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dinah shore造句

"dinah shore"是什么意思  
  • Dinah Shore recorded it, among others, and had the big jukebox hit.
  • She hasn't won since capturing her third Dinah Shore title in 1991.
  • In 1948, Dinah Shore filled the air with " Buttons and Bows,"
  • The Dinah Shore version was arranged by Cy Coben and Charles Grean.
  • Block declared Dinah Shore had won the spot on his radio show.
  • Se Ri Pak and Dinah Shore champion Dottie Pepper were at 146.
  • This week : Dinah Shores rice pudding . ( Langhenry, Atlanta Journal-Constitution)
  • I answered these sorts of questions at the Dinah Shore this year.
  • Bowen's lone victory was in a major, the 1995 Nabisco Dinah Shore.
  • Her best finish was a tie for 57th in the Nabisco Dinah Shore.
  • It's difficult to see dinah shore in a sentence. 用dinah shore造句挺难的
  • She has held or shared the lead every day of the Dinah Shore.
  • Singers Margaret Whiting and Dinah Shore each appeared as guest stars.
  • Buchwald remembered when he and Bombeck went to dinner at Dinah Shore's house.
  • The 35-time tour champion is winless since the 1996 Dinah Shore.
  • She also received the National Golf Coaches Association Dinah Shore Trophy.
  • See the champion jump in the water at the LPGA Nabisco Dinah Shore.
  • Goldsborough said, as when Dinah Shore belted out the Chevrolet jingle.
  • The 1991 Nabisco Dinah Shore was her final victory on the LPGA Tour.
  • She used to attend the Dinah Shore Classic and dream of playing there.
  • Virginia Slims at the Garden, the Dinah Shore Classic, proves that.
  • 更多造句:  1  2  3
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